APPSC AEE Syllabus Details: Andhra Pradesh Public Service Commission (APPSC) Assistant Executive Engineer Syllabus details are given below….
Syllabus of the Written examination for AEE (Civil/ Mechanical/ Electrical Engg):
Part A: (50 Questions 50 Marks)
1. General Studies & Mental Ability
Syllabus of the Written examination for AEE (Civil/ Mechanical Engg):
Part B: (100 Questions 100 Marks)
1. Strength of Material
2. Fluid Mechanic and Machinery
Syllabus of the Written examination for AEE (Electrical Engg):
1. Electric Circuits
2. Electrical Measurements and Instruments
3. Illumination
4. DC Generators and Motors
5. Transformers
6. 3-Phase Induction Motors
7. 3-Phase Alternators
8. 3-Phase Synchronous Motors
9. Single phase induction Motors
10. Transmission & Distribution
11. Over Head Line Insulators
12. Underground Cables
13. Fault Calculations
14. Generating Stations
15. Protection
16. Circuit Breakers
17. Economic Aspects
18. Utilization of Electrical Energy
Syllabus of the Main Written examination for AEE (Civil/ Mechanical/ Electrical Engg):
Paper 1
1. General Studies & Mental Ability
Paper 2: (Common to Civil & Mechanical Engg)
1. Strength of Material
2. Fluid Mechanic and Machinery
Paper 2: (Electrical Engg)
1. Electric Circuits
2. Electrical Measurements and Instruments
3. Illumination
4. DC Generators and Motors
5. Transformers
6. 3-Phase Induction Motors
7. 3-Phase Alternators
8. 3-Phase Synchronous Motors
9. Single phase induction Motors
Paper 3: (Civil Engg)
1. Building Materials
2. Structural Analysis
3. Design of Steel Structure
4. Design of Concrete and Masonry Structure
5. Construction Planning and Managemnet
6. Hydrauics and Water Resource Engineering
7. Environmental Engineering
8. Soil, Mechanics and Foundation Engineering
9. Surveying and Transport Engineering
Paper 3: (Mechanical Engg)
1. Thermodynamics
2. Heat Transfer
3. Refrigeration and Air Conditioning
4. Turbomachines
5. Theory of Machines
6. Machine Design
7. Machine Drawing and Solid Modelling
8. Engineering Materials
9. Manufacturing Science
10. Computer Integrated Manufacturing
11. Industrial Engineering
12. Modelling and Simulation
Paper 3: (Common to Civil & Mechanical Engg)
1. Engineering Drawing
2. Environmental science
3. Ecosystems
4. Biodiversity and Its Conservation
5. Solid Waste Management
6. Disaster Management
7. Social Issues and the Environment
8. Human Population and the Environment
9. Principles of Electrical and Electronic Engineering
i. Electrical Circuits
ii. Single Phase AC Circuits
iii. P-N Junction Diode
iv. Bipolar Junction Transistor (BJT)
v. Special Purpose Devices
vi. Rectifiers and Linear ICs
10. Computer Fundamentals
Paper 3: (Electrical Engg)
1. Transmission & Distribution
2. Over Head Line Insulators
3. Underground Cables
4. Fault Calculations
5. Generating Stations
6. Protection
7. Circuit Breakers
8. Economic Aspects
9. Utilization of Electrical Energy