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UPPSC Combined Upper Subordinate Services Exam Pattern

UPPSC Combined Upper Subordinate Services Exam Pattern: Uttar Pradesh Public Service Commission’s (UPPSC) Combined State/ Upper Subordinate Services Exam pattern details are given below…

Plan of Examination: The competitive examination comprise three successive stages viz :-
1. Preliminary Examination (Objective Type & Multiple choice).
2. Main Examination (Conventional Type, i.e.Written examination).
3. Viva- Voce/ Interview (Personality Test).

1. Preliminary Examination: The Preliminary examination for the Combined State/ Upper Subordinate Services
Examination and Assistant Conservator of Forest/ Range Forest Officer Services Examination will consist of two compulsory papers of which answer sheet be on OMR sheets. The syllabus for Combined State / Upper Subordinate Services Examination and Assistant Conservator of Forest / Range Forest Officer Services Examination is mentioned
in Appendix-5 of this advertisement. The papers shall be 200 marks each and of two hours durations. Both the papers shall be objective Type & multiple choice in which there shall be 150-100 questions Respectively. The timing of paper I will be from 9.30 to 11.30 A.M. and paper II from 2.30 to 4.30 P.M.

2. Main Examination: The Written examination will consist of the following compulsory and optional subjects. The candidates have to select any one subject from the list of optional subjects for main examination. Each optional subject will consist of two papers.

A. Compulsory Subjects

1. General Hindi 150 marks
2. Essay 150 marks
3. General Studies (i-Paper) 200 marks
4. General Studies (ii-Paper) 200 marks
5. General Studies (iii-Paper) 200 marks
6. General Studies (iv-Paper) 200 marks

Compulsory Subjects Shall be Conventional type and for solving the questions three hours time is allowed. For optional Question papers three hours time is allowed. Two hundred maximum marks has been allotted for each optional question paper.

Note : Timing of examination paper of 3 hours is 9.30 am to 12.30 am & 2 pm to 5 pm.

A candidate shall be required to obtain such minimum marks in the compulsory paper of General Hindi, as may be determined by the Government or the Commission, as the case may be. There shall be Two sections in all the question papers of all Optional subjects and each section will include Four questions. Candidates are required to answer only Five questions while they must select minimum, Two question from each section.

B. Optional Subjects are as Below:
(i). Agriculture  (ii).  Zoology  (iii). Chemistry  (iv). Physics  (v). Mathematics  (vi). Geography (vii). Economics  (viii). Sociology (ix). Philosophy  (x). Geology  (xi). Psychology (xii). Botany (xiii). Law  (xiv). Animal Husbandry & Veterinary Science (xv). Statistics  (xvi). Management  (xvii). Political Science & International Relations (xviii) History (xix) Social Work (xx) Anthropology  (xxi) Civil Engineering  (xxii). Mechanical Engineering (xxiii). Electrical Engineering (xxiv). English Lit. (xxv). Urdu Lit. (xxvi). Sanskrit Lit. (xxvii). Hindi Lit.(xxviii). Commerce & Accountancy (IVXX). Public Administration (xxx). Medical Science.

3. Personality Test: 100 Marks
The test will relate to the matter of general interest keeping the matter of academic interest in view and for general awareness, intelligence, character, expression power/personality and general suitability for the service.

Click here for UPPSC Combined Subordinate Services Exam Syllabus

Click here for UPPSC Combined Subordinate Services Eligibility Criteria

Click here for UPPSC Combined Subordinate Services Selection Process

Tags: UPPSC Jobs, uppsc results

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