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APSC Combined Competitive Exam Pattern

APSC Combined Competitive Exam Pattern: Assam Public Service Commission’s Combined Competitive Examination pattern details are given below….

Exam Pattern: The Combined Competitive Examination consists of two successive stages:
(I) The Preliminary Examination and
(II) The Main Examination (Written and Interview).

I. Preliminary Examination: The Preliminary Examination will consist of two papers of objective type multiple choice questions of two hours duration each.

Paper-I General Studies Marks=200 Time =
2 Hrs
Objective type
multiple choice
question paper
Paper-II  One subject to be selected from the list of
optional subjects
Marks=200 Do Do
                                                 Total marks 400    

List of Optional Subjects for Combined Competitive (preliminary) Examination: 

Agriculture  Geography
Anthropology Geology
Animal Husbandry & Veterinary Science  Indian History
Botany Law
Chemical Engineering  Mathematics
Civil Engineering  Mechanical Engineering
Chemistry Medical Science
Commerce Philosophy
Computer Science Physics
Economics  Political Science
Education Psychology
Electrical Engineering Sociology
Electronics  Statistics
Fishery Science Zoology

b) The questions will be of Objective type with multiple choices.
c) OMR (Optical Mark Recognition) answer sheet will be provided for answering questions.
d) Candidates will have to use only Black Ball Pen.
e). USe of Eraser, Chemical, Correction Fluid for correcting options once markded in the e OMR answer sheet is prohibited and answer sheets bearing traces of such use shall not be evaluated.
f). This Examination is meant to serve as a screening test only.
g) The marks obtained in the Preliminary Examination by the candidates who are declared qualified for admission to the Main Examination will not be counted for determining the final order of merit.

Main Examination: The Main Examination consists of (A) Written Examination and (B) Interview Test.

A. Written Examination:

a) On the results of the Preliminary Examination, the number of candidates to be admitted to the written part of the Main Examination will be 11 to 12 times the number of vacancies aforesaid. The selection will be strictly on the basis of merit adhering to the norms of Vertical and Horizontal Reservation as per prescribed law in force.

b) The written examination will consist of the following papers of 3 hours duration each. The questions of the Examination will be of conventional essay type:

                        General English Marks-300 Duration-3 hours
                       General Studies  Marks=300  Duration-3 hours
Subject 1
Any two optional subjects to be
selected from the list of optional
subjects (two papers each)
Duration-3 hours
Duration-3 hours
Duration-3 hours
Duration-3 hours
Subject 2
Total (Written)      1400 marks  
Viva Voce     200 marks  
Grand Total     1600 marks   

Any two subjects are to be selected from the list of optional subjects set out below. Each subject will have two papers of 200 marks each as aforesaid.

Agriculture  Geology
Anthropology  History
Animal Husbandry & Veterinary
Botany Modern languages and literature (any one only) (i)
Assamese, (ii) Bengali, (iii) English literature, (iv) Hindi (v)
Bodo &
Classical languages (vi) Arabic, (vii) Persian, (viii) Sanskrit
Chemical Engineering Mathematics
Civil Engineering  Mechanical Engineering
Chemistry Medical Science
Commerce & Accountancy Philosophy
Computer Science Physics
Economics Political Science
Education Psychology
Electrical Engineering Sociology
Electronics Statistics
Fishery Science  Zoology

Candidates will not be allowed to offer the following combinations of subjects:

(a) Anthropology & Sociology
(b) Mathematics & Statistics
(c) Philosophy & Psychology
(d) Agriculture & Animal Husbandry & Veterinary Science
(e) Not more than one of the Engineering subjects

B. Interview Test: On the results of the Written part of the Main Examination the number of candidates to be called for interview will be about twice the number of vacancies advertised. The selection will be strictly on the basis of merit adhering to the norms of Vertical and Horizontal Reservation as per prescribed law in force.  The interview will carry 200 marks with no qualifying marks.

Click here for APSC Combined Competitive Exam Selection Process

Click here for APSC Combined Competitive Exam Syllabus

Click here for APSC Combined Competitive Eligibility Criteria

Tags: APSC jobs, APSC Results

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