LIC ADO Syllabus: Life Insurance Corporation of India (LIC) Apprentice Development Officer (ADO). The online examination shall be conducted in two phases for the candidates from Open Market Category,
viz. Preliminary examination and Main examination. Exam Syllabus details are given below…
Phase I – Preliminary Examination:
1.Reasoning Ability
2.Numerical Ability
3.English Language
Phase II – Mains Examination:
1.Reasoning Ability & Numerical Ability
2.General Knowledge, Current Affairs and English Language with Special Emphasis on Grammar and vocabulary
3.Insurance and Financial Marketing Awareness with special emphasis on knowledge of Life Insurance and Financial Sector
On-line Test for LIC Agents & LIC Employee Category:
Selection of Apprentice Development Officer from LIC Agents & LIC Employee Category will be done
through a single phase examination i.e. Main Examination. It will be an objective test, which will be
conducted online for 160 marks. The objective test will have composite duration of two hours, i.e. 120
For LIC Agents Category :
1.Reasoning Ability & Numerical Ability
2.General Knowledge, Current Affairs and English Language with Special Emphasis on Grammar and vocabulary
3.Elements of Insurance and Marketing of Insurance.
For LIC Employee Category :
1.Reasoning Ability & Numerical Ability
2.General Knowledge, Current Affairs and English Language with Special Emphasis on Grammar and vocabulary
3.Practice and Principle of Insurance, Marketing
The marks obtained in the main examination only, will be considered for shortlisting for the interview. The
marks obtained in main examination and the marks obtained in the interview, will be considered for the final merit listing of the candidates.
I. Commensurate to the number of vacancies, LIC of India reserves the right to fix the eligibility standards
and the minimum marks to qualify in the interview, in order to restrict the number candidates to be
called for the interview. The maximum marks for the interview are 40.
II. In case of similar marks of two or more candidates, the merit order of such group of candidates shall be as
per the aggregate marks in the main examination and the interview and further as per their post graduation qualification (i.e. the person with any additional higher educational qualification will be
placed higher in the merit order) and in case of further similarity in such educational qualification the
merit order will be decided on the basis of age, (i.e. the senior in age will be placed higher in the merit
III. There will be no contingency/waiting list for candidates not declared successful in the main examination.
Click Here for LIC ADO 2023 Complete Notification & Syllabus