Punjab Constable Eligibility Criteria: Punjab Police Constable Examination Eligibility Details are given below…
Eligibility Conditions:
A. Nationality: Applicant should be a citizen of India
B. Age Limit: The minimum and maximum age for recruitment shall be 18 years and 25 years respectively.
Age Relaxation:
i. Relaxation in upper age limit in case of Scheduled Casts/Scheduled Tribes and Backward Classes shall be as prescribed by the Government.
ii. Ex-Servicemen shall be given relaxation in the upper age limit by 3 years plus the number of years of service rendered in the Defence Forces. However, the period between discharge from defence services and re-employment should not exceed 24 months (2 years).
C. Educational Qualification: The minimum educational qualification for recruitment is 10+2 in any discipline or equivalent. It is compulsary for each candidate to have passed matriculation examination with Punjabi as compulsory/ optional subject. However, in case of Ex-servicement the minimum educational qualification will be matriculation.
D. Physical Measurement
For Male candidates:
Minimum Height- 5’ 7” (Five feet Seven Inches)
For Female candidates:
Minimum Height -5’ 3” (Five feet three Inches)
1. For Ex-servicemen: In accordance with Govt. instructions issued vide No. GSR- 33/Const./Art 309/94 dated 04.05.1994 where an Ex-Servicemen is not available for recruitment against a reserved vacancy, such a vacancy shall be reserved to be filled in by recruitment of the wife or one dependant Child of an Ex-Serviceman.
2. For wards of Freedom fighters: Son, daughter , Grandson and granddaughter of Freedom Fighter- Wards of those freedom fighter will be eligible who have either been granted a freedom fighters pension from the Punjab Govt. or have been awarded Tamra Patras for their political sufferings during pre-independence freedom movements. The Deputy Commissioner of District to which a freedom fighter belongs to will be the only competent authority to provide an eligibility certificate to this effect, i.e. for the grant of all types of those concessions to a freedom fighter or his wards.
e) If married, the candidate should not have more than one living wife/husband.
Sir, I have passed 10th. For which Police job am i eligible?