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Sikkim TET Exam Pattern

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Sikkim TET Exam Pattern: Sikkim Teacher’s Eligibility Test exam pattern details are given below…..

Exam Pattern: Sikkim Teacher Eligibility Test (TET) will consists of two papers, i.e.,
I. Paper I – Primary Teacher for Classes I to V
II. Paper II – Graduate Teacher for Classes VI to VIII.

Pattern of Examination: TET will be of Objective type.(Multiple Choice question) There will be no negative marking. No. of MCQ (Multiple Choice question) =150. All are compulsory .Duration of examination: 2.30 hrs.

Paper I for Primary Teacher for Classes I to V:

Structure and Content of TET:

1. Child development and pedagogy  30MCQs 30 Marks
2. Language I  30MCQs  30 Marks
3. Language II  30MCQs  30 Marks
4. Mathematics  30MCQs  30 Marks
5. Environmental Studies  30MCQs  30 Marks

Nature and content of Question:

i. The test items on Child Development and Pedagogy will focus on educational psychology of teaching and learning relevant to the age group of 6-11 years.

ii. The test items for language I will focus on the proficiencies related to the medium of instruction that is English.

iii. The Language II will be from among the prescribed options other than Language I. A candidate may choose from any one of the vernaculars being taught in the schools in Sikkim from Classes Ito V.The applicant will specify the language in his application form

iv. The test items in Mathematics and Environmental studies will focus on the concepts, problem solving abilities and pedagogical understandings of the subjects prescribed for classes I to V in the state.

v. The questions will be based on syllabus for classes I to V, but their difficulty level, as well as linkage, will be up to the secondary stage.

Paper II (for graduate teacher for classes VI to VIII):

Structure and content:

1. Child development and pedagogy 30 MCQs 30 MCQs
2. Language I  30 MCQs  30 MCQs
3. Language II  30 MCQs 30 MCQs
4. Mathematics and Science  60 MCQs 30 MCQs
5. Social studies (for social studies teacher)  60 MCQs 30 MCQs

Nature and content of questions:

i. The test items on Child Development and Pedagogy will focus on educational psychology of teaching and learning, relevant to the age group 11-14 years.

ii. The test items for Language I will focus on the proficiencies related to the medium of instruction, that is English.,

iii. The Language II will be a language other than Language I. The person may choose any one language from among the available options being taught in Classes VI to VIII in the schools in Sikkim. The test items in Language II will also focus on the elements of language, communication and comprehension abilities.

iv. The test items in Mathematics and Science will be of 30 marks each, and will focus on the concepts, problem solving abilities and pedagogical understanding of these subjects.

v. The test items of Social Studies will be of 60 marks evenly distributed between History, Geography and Civics as prescribed for classes VI to VIII by the state government.

vi. The questions in the test for Paper II will b e based on the topics of the prescribed syllabus of the state for classes VI to VIII but, their difficulty level as well as linkage could be up to the senior secondary stage.The question paper shall be in English and questions in vernacular will be in that vernacular.

Validity of TET: All candidates who pass the TET will be awarded certificate .The validity of certificate will be till he/shecrosses the employability age as per the state government norms. However, it does not cover the special exemption of higher age given to temporary in-service employees.

Click here for Sikkim TET Eligibility Criteria

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