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UPSC Geo-Scientist Exam Selection Process

UPSC Geo-Scientist Exam Selection Process: Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) Combined Geo-Scientist Exam Selection Process Details are given below…

UPSC Selection Procedure consists of:
Stage I: Preliminary Examination
Stage II: Mains Examination
Stage III: Personality Test/ Interview

Stage I: Preliminary Examination

Combined Geo-Scientist (Preliminary) Examination (Objective type) having two papers for selection of
the candidates for the Combined Geo-Scientist (Main) Examination. Marks secured in the Preliminary
Examination will be counted for deciding the final merit;

Stage II: Mains Examination

Combined Geo-Scientist (Main) Examination (Descriptive Type) having three papers for selection of
candidates for the Personality Test (Stage-III). Marks secured in the Main Examination will be
counted for deciding the final merit

Stage III: Personality Test/ Interview carrying 200 Marks (with no minimum qualifying marks). Candidates, who obtain such minimum qualifying marks in Stage-II as may be fixed by the Commission as per its discretion, shall be summoned for Stage-III (Personality Test). The number of candidates to be summoned for Personality Test will be about twice the number of vacancies to be filled. In the Personality Test, the candidate will be interviewed by Board i.e. Interview Board (s) constituted by the Commission. The object of the interview will be to assess the suitability for the post(s) of Geologist, Geophysicist and Chemist and Scientist ‘B’ (Hydrogeology), Scientist ‘B’(Chemical) and Scientist ‘B’ (Geophysics). Special attention will be paid in the Personality Test to assessing the candidate’s capacity for leadership, initiative and intellectual curiosity, tact and other social qualities, mental and physical energy powers of practical application, integrity of character and aptitude for adapting themselves to the field life

Click Here for UPSC Geologist Exam Eligibility Details

Click Here for UPSC Geologist Exam Pattern

Click Here for UPSC Geologist Exam Syllabus

Tags: upsc jobs, upsc results

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